from 18 dec till 20 dec which is after my shanghai trip few day i follow my tuition trip to kuala rompin trip n in tat 3 days i really enjoy n very happy so i get to know a lot of fren i really happy inside the trip mostly all i put de pic oso edited by ah wei so i lazy type long long oso so if 1 noe more detail u all see ah wei blog la...haha....
5th dec till 12 dec my family n i went holiday...we go shanghai...haha...the trop kinda fun n i miss the trip so much...haiz...times pass so fast...8 days over d...tis is my 1st holiday after SPM so i really enjoy myself...hehe...still a lot of thing happen at there but lazy type see pic can d la...haha
still got a lot pic but lazy put got time oni put la...haha...give u all see sum 1st next time oni put more pic...hehe